3 Things to do as Quarantine Ends (And 2 to Avoid!)

Looking to make the most of your transition out of quarantine? Here are some things to do (and NOT to do), to stay healthy, grounded, and connected.

1. Keep moving!

We have been refining our quarantine routines for quite some time now! And over these past few months, you probably have picked up new and creative ways to infuse movement into your day (we’re talking online classes, stairs, chair yoga, etc.). As we begin to return to our normal-ish routines, try not to let movement get lost in the transition. Know that it is always attainable (check out how Givhero can help you achieve it), but it might look and feel a bit different based on our circumstances.

2. Look after your mental health.

While we can’t control how the world changes around us, we can control how we take care of our minds. Before your routine shifts, take some time to think through what has and hasn’t been working. Have you been remembering to practice mindfulness or has that been something that has been pushed aside? Have you taken the time to prioritize self-care? Or has that gotten lost in the shuffle? This week, try to take inventory of what makes you feel grounded. And most importantly, be patient with yourself as we continue to navigate some unknowns! Here are some resources to start.

3. Stay active in your community.

Quarantine or not, community connection remains essential! Whether you’re donating to local causes, attending a council “Zoom” meeting, or participating in the social justice movements sweeping the nation, there are always opportunities to get involved. Added bonus? Connecting to your community holds a host of mental health benefits! And Givhero can help make it easy and enjoyable.

4. Don’t Disconnect!

One silver-lining of quarantine is that people have been (digitally) reconnecting with friends and family. But just because we no longer need to connect digitally doesn’t mean we should forget about the relationships that quarantine inspired us to reignite. So go on, call your grandma on your new commute to work!

5. Don’t do too much.

It might be tempting to run out of our homes and into the world full throttle! And we get it, it’s exciting to get back to the way things were. But as you transition, try to remember that we’ve been in a constant state of adjusting, and this new phase is no exception. As we begin yet another new chapter, stay safe, informed, and patient as we navigate it together.

Need some help in the transition? Contact Givhero and see how we can help.

Written By
Hanna Berman.
Hanna Berman is a Mental Health & Wellness Contributor for Givhero. As a Mental Health & Organizational Consultant, her career is dedicated to exploring behavior change on both an individual and collective level. She holds a Masters from King’s College London in Global Ethics & Human Values and is a part-time Reiki practitioner with City Acupuncture Clinic in Washington DC.