Creating Successful Corporate Walking Challenges

Why do we give to charities? Naturally, it helps the charities themselves, but you might be surprised to discover that socially responsible giving can significantly benefit you and your business as well. Here are a few benefits of socially responsible giving.

1. Personal Benefits of Socially Responsible Giving

You may have noticed that supporting charities that uphold your values makes you feel good. This is not a coincidence! Research has shown us that prosocial behavior can boost your mood in the short term and prevent you from slipping into a negative mindset as frequently in the long term. In other words, by playing an active role in the community and supporting initiatives close to our hearts, we create an avenue to improve our self-esteem and reduce our stress levels, which intrinsically motivates us to keep doing better.

2. Business Benefits of Socially Responsible Giving

Local Charities Are Direct Stakeholders

It’s no secret that when a new business opens in town, the community is impacted. One of the direct stakeholders of any company is the surrounding communities, including the charities that enrich them! When a company emphasizes socially responsible giving locally, they’re investing in the community where their team members live, which can improve the quality of life for their workers and foster a healthier work environment overall. In addition, with the donations they receive, charities can continue building better, stronger communities, which can improve the local economy.

Support Causes that Align with Your Purpose

Every business and nonprofit organization has core values that shape its corporate culture and drive its mission. When companies invest in socially responsible giving, they can simultaneously support their own values by donating to charities that align with their purpose. When there’s an overlap in purpose, companies are bolstered by high-quality support services nearby that they’ve directly played a role in establishing.

Employee Incentives and Retention

Perhaps the most significant benefit of socially responsible giving is that it matters more than ever to employees. Identifying the priorities of your workforce, including offering employee incentives like donating to social and charitable causes, can play a major role in employee recruitment, engagement and retention. In addition, the number of Gen Z and Millennials in the workplace will continue to rise, and both of these generations are known for factoring in social responsibility when choosing their careers.

3. How Can Givhero Help with Your Business with Socially Responsible Giving?

Ready to reap the benefits of socially responsible giving? We can help! Through our automated platform and app, we create motivating wellness programs that reward employees with donations to the social causes that motivate them! We focus on the legwork involved in jumpstarting your charitable efforts so you can focus on thriving. Learn more about how Givhero works and schedule a call today!