May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the perfect opportunity to learn more about mental well-being and how organizations can support it. In particular, employers and leadership teams can investigate how leveraging social wellness initiatives supports staff members’ physical and mental well-being. Careful application of employee health programs can result in tangible, holistic benefits for your organization.
Below, we describe the relationship between social wellness and mental well-being, then outline an organizational approach to social wellness:
Defining Social Wellness
Social wellness refers to humanity’s innate capacity to build relationships and communities. Thus, social wellness activities aim to improve communities and the relationships between members.
Communities develop in households, workplaces, and other settings. Within them, social well-being arises when people feel heard and understood. Positive communities provide trust and support for struggling individuals. If a community member lacks support in one community, they may seek comfort and support in another.
Social wellness activities should provide that trust and support. Thus, everyone should find ways to strengthen their social wellness, especially those struggling with mental health problems. To achieve this goal, organizations and employers can facilitate social wellness practices within their workplaces.
Defining Mental Well-Being
In general, mental well-being refers to a prosperous emotional and psychological state. It influences all aspects of life, including relationships, work, and recreation. Despite occasional variations, this condition involves an understanding that we are separate from our issues and a belief that we can solve those issues.
People reach mental well-being by practicing mental wellness through daily activities and habits. Although we should assume some ups and downs will occur in mental well-being, we should have the tools necessary to cope with the struggles of daily life. Organizations provide some of these tools when they promote social wellness activities.
How Does Social Wellness Affect Mental Well-Being?
Social wellness encourages mental well-being by promoting a sense of belonging and support. It also provides people an opportunity for novel worldviews. These perspectives may relate to personal identity, lifestyle, or other cultural factors which influence perception.
In addition to decreasing stress levels and increasing general happiness, positive social relationships spur individuals to seek help when they need it. Anyone struggling with mental health challenges, including depression or anxiety, may benefit from such support.
Given the connection between social relationships and mental health, organizations should support social wellness activities to bolster their employees’ mental well-being. In doing so, they can build a stronger community and reach their goals.
How Can Your Organization Encourage a Sense of Social Wellness?
Organizations and their employees can benefit from a holistic approach to mental health. While physical wellness influences mental well-being, social wellness has an equally prominent role.
Organizations can develop workplace social wellness in several ways:
- Hold regular social events. Fun, laid-back occasions for everyone allow employees to open up to colleagues and develop deep relationships. These opportunities are crucial when people have been through difficult times, such as the recent pandemic.
- Communicate with your employees. Beyond discussions about deadlines and deliverables, speak with employees about how they feel. Give them the tools they need to succeed. We all like valued and that our contributions matter.
- Encourage employees to participate in charitable activities. Charitable giving can inspire well-being, teamwork, and community. The fulfillment that comes from doing good deeds carries over into the workplace as well. Facilitate employee health programs and charitable giving with the Givhero app.
Make Effective Employee Health Programs with Givhero
Givhero is an employee wellness and social impact solution that incentivizes participation in employee health programs through intrinsic motivators. When employees complete wellness goals and challenges, they contribute to their mental health and a charitable cause. Our digital wellness app structures the tracking and reward system that will help your employees to engage with health programs. For more information on how Givhero can boost employee wellness, visit our website or call (240) 801-5927.