Instituting wellness programs and organizing employee resource groups (ERGs) are significant strides in achieving workplace well-being. Nevertheless, our definition of well-being extends beyond the confines of one office or company. Workplace social wellness encompasses not only relationships between employees but also those between employees and the surrounding community members. Such an inclusive, forward-thinking atmosphere stimulates productive interactions, employee satisfaction, and a positive brand image. Additionally, Givhero’s digital platform transforms nebulous philanthropic goals into practical and strategic social wellness activities and initiatives.
What are Examples of Social Wellness?
Again, the term social wellness refers to the quality of relationships and interactions we have with individuals and groups around us. Health and wellness industry experts understand that social wellness affects well-being because our connections to others influence our emotional and mental wellness. Indeed, well-being incorporates all aspects of health.
Of course, this discussion generates a natural question: what exemplifies positive social wellness? Individuals should aim to build healthy and supportive relationships with those they feel closest to, such as friends, family, and romantic partners. Moreover, they should strive for constructive interactions and connections with acquaintances and coworkers they see often. Doing so entails balancing their social and professional responsibilities.
What are Social Wellness Activities?
While several social wellness activities can help you as an individual, what about activities for your entire office staff? Some popular social wellness programs for offices include:
- Community engagement through volunteering and service days
- Organizational drives for canned goods, gently used clothing, or blood
- Health initiatives that incentivize participation through charitable donations
- Conflict mediation through in-office counseling services, which can facilitate 1-on-1 and group discussions
- Charitable and community giving through the Giving Tuesday initiative, charity walks and 5K runs, or payroll deductions to local causes
What is Social Wellness in the Workplace? How Do You Develop It?
Workplace social health and wellness can support your organization’s talent attraction and brand-building efforts. We’ve often discussed how activities in this vein inspire employee engagement with organizational programming and provide clear wellness goals. Nevertheless, Millennials and Gen Zers prefer working for companies that support their communities. You can thus leverage social wellness to hire and retain employees.
Furthermore, working for social wellness can lead to partnerships with nonprofit organizations. Givhero can help you in these efforts by connecting you with our nonprofit partners. Currently, our clients can donate to the United Nations Foundation, the American Cancer Society, Feeding America, United Way, and other notable causes.
How Do You Support a Charity Virtually?
We mentioned above that charitable donations could incentivize participation in health initiatives. Still, some HR professionals may feel wary about engaging with charities due to the administrative workload that doing so often entails. However, Givhero’s corporate wellness software circumvents the need for such an administrative burden.
Through our platform, you can create a wellness program—such as a walking challenge—that allows your employees to earn donations (and donate too) to their charities of choice. In that scenario, your organization would donate a certain amount to an employee’s selected charity for achieving daily goals. One-tap onboarding and integration with fitness and health trackers make Givhero a tool for optimized employee engagement and performance.
Leverage Social Wellness in Pursuit of Organizational Well-Being!
To achieve workplace and employee well-being, your organization must use the available tools of the health and wellness industry. While wellness programs and ERGs will help you pursue your goals, social wellness activities can push you across the finish line. Reach out to Givhero for guidance and support in the form of our digital wellness platform. We empower organizations to transform their cultures into places that employees want to be a part of. For more details, call us at (240) 801-5927 or schedule a call today.